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<title> Things to know about me </title>



<Body style="background-image:url('emman.jpg')"> 

<big><b><h1><p style="float:left" font="TNR"><a id="A"> THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ME </big></b></h1></p></a>

<p style="color:orange;"><a href="#MPI"><h3 style="text-align:right;font-family:TNR;"> My Personal Information </font></h3></a>

<p style="color:orange;"><a href="#FB&H"><h3 style="text-align:right;font-family:TNR"> Family Backrgound & Hobbies </font></h3></a>

<p style="color:orange;"><a href="#MFP"><h3 style="text-align:right;font-family:TNR;"> My Future Plans </font></h3></p></a>


<img src="EMMAN ARTWORK.JPG" ; align="left" width="250" height="250" border="3;solid black">

<h2><p align="left" font="TNR"><a id="MPI"><mark> My Personal Information </h2></p></a></mark>

<p align="center"><font face="TNR" size="5"> My name is Emmanuel B. Ubaldo I'am 22 years old and a Multi Media arts student at UPHM. I live in citta italia, bacoor cavite. <br>With my two hardworking aunts who always takes care of me and make sure of my well being.



<img src="FAMILY PICTURE.JPG" ;  align="right" width="280" height="250" border="3;solid black">

<h2><p align="right" font="TNR"><a id="FB&H"><mark> Family Background & Hobbies </h2></a></mark>

<p align="right"font face="TNR" size="5"> My parents are'nt with me now due to some family issues. <br>He used to a call center agent but for some reasons I have no information about him now <br> Although I may not be so sure about may father, I know my mothers whereabouts, shes with my sister who is also a college student. <br>Most of my friends think that it is sad that I'm not with them, well I'm not, because I have my aunts and uncles who always looking out for me.


<img src="ross draws.jpg" ; alt="Future Digital artist/Illustrator" align="left" width="250" height="250" border="3;solid black">

<h2><p align="left" font="TNR"><a id="MFP"><mark> My Future Plan </h2></p></a></mark>

<p align="center"><font face="TNR" size="5">  My childhood ambition is to be a Great artist and I know it can be hard in our country , but I wont give and I know that my family and friends are supporting me, now that the world is evolving my love for art is turned into a modern style so i explored in the digital meduim, that is why I would like to be a proffesional Digital Artist just like "ROSS DRAWS" (in the picture shown". </p></font>




<p align="center"><font face="TNR" size="5"><a href="#A"> Go Back to Top </a></font></p>

                <h1> Links to your portfolio </h1>

                <p> <a href=""> instagram </a> </p>

                <p><a href=""> blogger </a> </p>

                <p> contents of your portfolio </p>


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